Hey y'all,
How's your day? How are you doing? I hope and pray that all is well!
As you can see from my subject line, I want to invite every last one of you to go see "Meet the Mormons". It's amazing! Be sure to bring something to dap the tears away... but more importantly, be sure to bring a friend or family member with you! It's a great opportunity to help others see who we are and what we're about! You'll love it... if you don't, email me and I'll refund your ticket. Will you do that? I promise that you'll feel the spirit as you watch it and it will increase your faith!
Things are going well here in Atlanta! This last week we had zone training meetings nearly all week... which also meant the Temple nearly every day all week! It was a blast... I love no other place more than the Temple. There's no place like it. I'm so grateful that we have Temples and I'm especially grateful that I've had the opportunity to attend the Temple so often as a missionary. What a unique blessing and gift. I invite y'all to go to the Temple as much as possible... and if you're not there yet, that's ok! Keep working towards it! Set it as a goal and never lose sight of it! Everyone is welcomed there as we all prepare ourselves adequately. I promise as you do so and as you enter into the Temple (whenever that time will be) that you will not regret it! You feel the Spirit so strongly and it will be an experience that will build you up and draw you closer to the Savior and to our loving Heavenly Father.
Speaking of Temples, we're teaching a part-member family now that wants to be sealed in the Temple! I'll give you the short version of their story.
One day my companion and I found some time to go out and work our area (this has been a VERY rare occasion). We went out and tried finding some people to teach! Unfortunately we didn't have much luck in doing so. Slammed doors, rejecting waves of "get off my front-porch" and lots of doors with simply nothing behind them. We started to feel a bit discouraged as the day started to wind to a close and we had yet to see much good come from our efforts... however, we decided that keep our faith, vision and attitude high (why not?) and keep working hard and trust the Lord that He would provide a miracle for us. We eventually prayed over a list of names of members in the ward that we had been assigned to go and see... and as we did so, we felt prompted to go see a specific family. We went to the home and we were welcomed with smiles and warmth. They invited us in and we sat and talked. We soon found out that the father has been inactive for years, the mother is a non-member and all of their children are non-members. We also found out that the grandmother was a member and living with them in their home. Sadly, this strong but time worn women was coming to an end to her days here on the Earth and was expected to pass away at any moment. It was very hard for this special family but they knew it was time. We taught and testified of eternal families and said a simple prayer with them before departing. They invited us to come back sometime soon as we left. Fast forward 2 days later and my companion and I are sitting at the church when we find out that this grandmother had indeed passed away in those short couple days. We reached out to their family and expressed our love to them as well as other members of the ward. Several days later, after we had been thinking and praying much for this family and for their recent loss, we receive a text message from a member of the ward. In the message, she tells us of her recent conversations with this family. It turns out that following the death of the grandmother, the family began to discuss the gospel and the church... and the importance of eternal families. It eventually led to them deciding that they want to be together for time and eternity... and they wanted to learn how they could do that. They had reached out to this member and asked her if they could sit down with her sometime and discuss "being sealed together as a family".
Since being informed by the member of this families desire to be sealed together for forever, we've been able to go back and meet with them again and share more of our message of eternal families through the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.... and miracles have been happening! This family is so open and so loving and have such a desire to be together forever. We're now working closely with members of the ward to teach them and prepare them to take the steps that will lead them to the Temple and to being sealed together for time and eternity.
It's been humbling to be a part of this family's journey thus far and it's been humbling to be a witness for Jesus Christ and His promises to all that come and follow Him.
I know that God led us to them at exactly the right moment when He needed us to be there. I know that He knows all of our needs and I know that He will send us help when we need it. I know that God answers prayers and that others are often times answers to those prayers. I also know that God needs more willing hearts to humbly ask Him "What do you need me to do today? Who do you need me to help?". I know that God will show you where to go, who to see and what to do as we seek Him out in honest and pure prayer with real intent. I know that when hard times comes, that's it's so important to keep going and to never give up... because your miracle is just on the horizon.
I invite each of you to seek God out in prayer and ask Him to help you have a more willing heart to serve others. I invite each of you to trust Him and have faith that He will lead and guide you to those that are in need. I invite each of you to keep going! To keep putting faith and trust in the Lord no matter how hard it gets! Better days and many miracles are ahead! I promise that as you do so that you will be made an instrument in His hands and bring so much joy, even eternal joy to many of His children and our eternal brothers and sisters. As you do so, you will find more joy and happiness in your life than ever before!
I love you tons! Have a blessed week.
-Elder Wahlen