Hey y'all,
How are things going for y'all today? I hope and pray that things are going well.
I don't have much time today as some things came up here at the last minute... but I just wanted to share a quick thought:
"In the process of life, we are not always the already-tempered and helpful hammer which is shaping and pounding another. Sometimes we are merely the anvil" (George MacDonald)
I just want y'all to know that I know that God is our loving Heavenly Father... and that He is eternally patient with us and our progress through this life and through the eternities.
Right now we're teaching a very old and very sweet widowed grandmother named Ramona. She is in her 60's and now just having the opportunity to learn of the restored gospel... but despite her old age, she's not too old to hear of this glorious message and take those steps that we all need to take to follow Christ and receive of God's greatest blessings in this life and in the life to come. Do you think that God loves her any less because it's taken her this long to be prepared and to have this opportunity? No way! She's loved just as much.... and she's receiving that same opportunity as anyone else at any other age would have. Ramona came to church for the first time this last week and is progressing towards her baptism on December the 6th.... and she can make it there, just like anyone else can as she keeps moving forward in faith. No matter if she makes it on the 6th or if she makes in another 60 years... it won't matter to God as long as she keeps working towards taking those steps to follow Jesus Christ and one day return to live with Him.
I invite each of you to remember how much God loves you! Regardless of where you're at in life or how fast or slow you feel you're progressing in the gospel. I invite each of you to strive to see others in this way... an eternal way. Let's not judge one another... let us not speak evil or each other, not ourselves... we're all children of God who loves each and every ONE of us. I love y'all too! You're amazing.
Gotta run, have a blessed week!
-Elder Wahlen