Sunday, January 27, 2013

First Email

Hey everyone! The MTC is going great so far... my companion is Elder Baker, he's 6'8" and is from Denver, Colorado. He's got a HUGE heart and testimony and such a strong desire to help people... he was only baptized 18 months ago and he's 25 years old. I've learned so much already... and had a lot of great experiences. One morning, my whole room didn't wake up cause our alarms didn't go off... so we missed breakfast but we got to class on time and I know the Lord blessed us throughout the day for putting class ahead of food cause none of us were hungry. I was called as district leader... which is a lot of extra work but I love it! I've learned so much from it and all the missionaries in my district are amazing people/missionaries. I even gave my first blessing of comfort last night... that was an awesome experience. Teaching is going great... I love learning about people and figuring out how the gospel applies to their lives and why they need it... I still get nervous about it but if I just listen to the spirit then things go great and I feel really calm. I even conducted a combined district meeting the other night... which was nerve racking too since a member of the branch presidency was in there, but it went well. My entire district is doing choir so I've been doing that too... there are so many things I want to talk about that I've learned but I just don't have the time! I've learned SO much... and I know that I'm suppose to be here. I'm so blessed and thankful for the opportunity to be here... Ah! I wish I had more time to talk... I gotta go check on my wash but I'll try to email again later today. I hope all of you are doing well and I want you to know that I pray for all of you every night. Talk to you again soon!

Elder Wahlen

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