Monday, July 8, 2013

Hello one and all from the hot and sticky ATL down-town!‏

Hey y'all,

How's everyone doing? Have a great 4th of July? I sure hope so!!! It was crazy down here... but crazy good!

So I don't have much time again today... and I'm sorry for that... but here are a couple things.
I've had the amazing opportunity to go through the Atlanta temple a few times in the past few weeks here... and in the Celestial room, there is a HUGE chandlier that is amazingly beautiful... it literally looks like one giant crystal. Its lit from the inside and as the light shines through all the interlocked and connected gems/crystals, the shine forth with every color imaginable. This chandelier is often the topic of conversation before and after the temple trips as many things can be learned from its beauty... so here are a few things I've learned from it. Just as the chandelier is made up of many different crystals, so too is the kingdom of God. Only His kingdom is created not with crystals, but with amazing people such as yourself. Each crystal in the chandelier represents us.... and as we let the light within each of us shine through (the light of Christ) we're able to see and realize all of our amazing unique talents and ablities that the Lord has blessed each of us with. This is where we can see all the different colors... we're all different and yet all equally beautiful as we allow for that light to shine from within us. So how do we let that light shine through us? Well, just as the crystals and clean and pure in order to allow the light to shine through, we too must keep ourselves clean and pure by being obedient. Be obedient to the commandments and ye shall remain clean and pure.... and that light will shine through you and help you to not only help others see and feel the love of Christ, but it will allow you to shine with all the "colors" or talents and abilities that you have. All of your gifts will be fully realized and utilized... especially as we use them to help others. Sorry if that made no sense, but thats the short version :)

Last thing I wanted to talk about.... we often think about how amazing it will feel to see our Heavenly Father.... and not just see Him, but to be embraced by Him. How amazing will that be? To be hugged by our Heavenly Father? Pretty amazing, huh? Now think of this... how happy will He be... how amazing will He feel when He finally gets to hug us? I testify to each of you that NO ONE wants to hug you more than our Heavenly Father does. He wants you to be happy.... He wants you to come back and to be with Him again as an eternal family... His love can't be comprehended... but I testify to you that its there. It's there for each and every one of you. Pray and ask for help if you're struggling... He will give you the strength you need to break those chains and free yourself from those things weighing you down and He will take them from you when you're strength runs out.

I love you. Y'all are amazing.

-Elder Wahlen

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